Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have!

13515 Mascotte Empire Road
Groveland, FL, 34736
United States

(407) 748-7318

Hautzenroeder & Company creates the finest hand made knives and farm fresh produce.

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We really love what we do, and we hope it shows. It is the loyalty and generosity of our customers that allows us to continue pursuing excellence in an age of mass produced, cheap, and disposable things.  

What we create is special, and it is only possible because YOU appreciate the uncompromising approach we take to our work.

If you would like to make a donation to our family and our life's work, you may do so via the link on this page. Your generosity allows us to continue to be stewards of this wonderful farm!


Donate To The Artisans